Audit: Vast majority of BP oil spill claims payments are correct

  Jennifer Larino, | The Times-Picayune By Jennifer Larino, | The Times-Picayune on November 25, 2014 at 6:30 PM, updated November 26, 2014 at 8:10 AM Results of a third-party audit of the oil spill settlement program released Tuesday (Nov. 25) by claims administrator Patrick Juneau show the settlement program has correctly processed 99.5 percent of claims. The [...]

Lawsuit challenges plans to build Alabama convention center with BP spill money

  By AMY WOLD A lawsuit filed Thursday challenging federal approval of the use of some BP oil spill money to help build a convention center in Alabama shouldn’t impact Louisiana’s projects included in the same funding package. “Those projects are severable, and each one stands on its own or falls on its own as the case may be,” [...]

Louisiana Has a Wild Plan to Save Itself from Global Warming: Too bad the state is being destroyed from within

  By: Nathaniel Rich 1. Noses In response to complaints some years ago about blocked plumbing along New Orleans’ Claiborne Avenue, city workers opened up the sewer main and found a human nose. Following the line down the avenue, popping open manholes and looking inside, they discovered ears, fingers, fingernails, shriveled flaps of skin, viscera. Where had it all come [...]

Vandenborre shares thoughts on what’s good, bad and ugly about South Louisiana fishing right now

  By Todd Masson, | The Times-Picayune on September 17, 2014 at 11:24 AM, updated September 17, 2014 at 11:29 AM Capt. Dudley Vandenborre is the E.F. Hutton of South Louisiana. When he talks, anglers listen. A standing-room-only crowd gave their full attention Tuesday night to the Jedi Knight of Lake Pontchartrain speckled trout fishing during a seminar hosted [...]

Rapid erosion of Louisiana coast only expected to accelerate

  Bob Marshall, Al Shaw and Brian Jacobs|,, This story is condensed from a broad multimedia presentation produced by the nonprofit newsrooms of The Lens and ProPublica. The full version is available at Online, you can track land loss from satellite and aerial images dating back, in some cases, to the 1930s and see the vast network [...]
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