BREAKING: Activists Occupy BP Headquarters Five Years After Gulf Oil Disaster

  by Claire Sandberg Posted on Apr 15 2015 ***For Immediate Release*** Wednesday, April 15 2015 Interviews and high-resolution images available Contact: Laurel Sutherlin: 415.246.0161 Claire Sandberg: 646.641.6431 Bryan Parras: 713.303.5811 BREAKING: Six Arrested at BP Headquarters 5 Years After Gulf Oil Disaster On eve of shareholder meeting, protesters stage sit-in to demand BP addresses their grievances [...]

Five Years After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, BP’s Most Vulnerable Victims Are Still Struggling

  By: Katy Reckdahl - This article appeared in the May 4, 2015 edition of The Nation BP agreed to a $7.8 billion settlement, but still hasn’t paid out most Gulf Coast businesses. In the summer of 2014, Skyland Seafood quietly shut down. In Mobile, Alabama, where the shop had been located for 17 years, Skyland’s demise caused a small, [...]

Ex-OPP inmate who was injured behind bars sues sheriff, former deputy

  JIM MUSTIAN| JMUSTIAN@THEADVOCATE.COM April 7, 2015 A former Orleans Parish Prison inmate has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Sheriff Marlin Gusman, claiming she was assaulted behind bars by a female deputy who was later fired. Shantya Trahan, 26, says the March 2014 assault left her with “scarring and discomfort in her right ear,” according to a lawsuit [...]

Old Gentilly Landfill permits shouldn’t be renewed, environmentalists, community members say

  By Mark Schleifstein, | The Times-Picayune on February 24, 2015 at 9:12 PM, updated February 25, 2015 at 6:38 AM The Gentilly Landfill, reopened by the City of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to accept construction and demolition debris, should not have its permit renewed, leaders of several environmental organizations and local residents told a [...]

City of New Orleans, Landfill Operators to Pay $8M in Hurricane Waste Dispute

By: Rachael Zimlich February 24, 2015 Landfill operators and the city of New Orleans will pay $8 million to hundreds of property owners whose land became one of the region’s busiest landfill sites after Hurricane Katrina. The class action suit was filed in 2007 by landowners who purchased lots for a future development decades earlier. The development—situated on a former [...]

Post-Katrina Gentilly Landfill Class Action Case Concludes With Settlement

  By PR Rocket on January 27, 2015 After years of litigation and negotiations, attorneys with Waltzer Wiygul & Garside today announced an $8,000,000 settlement of a class action lawsuit over ownership of property under the Gentilly Landfill in New Orleans East. Gretna, LA (PRWEB) January 27, 2015 After years of litigation and negotiations, attorneys with Waltzer Wiygul & Garside [...]
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