Oscar Renda Contracting Inc. is polluting Coast waterways in violation of the federal Clean Water Act during a massive public works project in East Biloxi, Gulf Restoration Network claims in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court. “This is a situation where public resources have really been damaged and it needs to get fixed,” said […]
Hilcorp seeks dredging permit a year after dragging drilling barge through shallow water
Dozens of oystermen and coastal residents spoke out at a public hearing Thursday night, arguing that the state shouldn’t grant an oil and gas company a permit to dredge wetlands around a drilling site near Port Sulfur. But they can’t stop Hilcorp Energy Co. of Houston from dredging. The company already cut the channel back […]
Hilcorp Can’t Beat La. Fishermen’s Clean Water Act Claims
A Louisiana federal judge on Monday rejected Hilcorp Energy Co.’s bid to completely escape a lawsuit in which an association of oyster fishermen accuses the oil and gas producer of dredging without a permit in violation of the Clean Water Act. The Louisiana Oysterman Association Inc., a nonprofit whose members lease or fish on oyster […]
‘High risk’ Native American village on Grand Bayou wants government help to stay as land disappears
Like many Louisiana coastal residents, the Native Americans of Grand Bayou have seen the landscape surrounding their community collapse over the past 50 years. The lush, freshwater wetlands and high ground that sustained them for centuries are now a ragged patchwork of crumbling salt marshes and expanding lagoons. But unlike some other communities, the village’s […]
Waltzer Wiygul & Garside Receives Vietnamese-American Community in Louisiana Award
This month, Waltzer Wiygul & Garside was awarded the 2015-2016 Vietnamese-American Community in Louisiana Award. The plaque represents the Community’s highest appreciation for the firm’s ongoing service to the Vietnamese community, including the work the firm does representing local businesses and offshore fishermen. Waltzer Wiygul & Garside are honored and humbled to receive the recognition.
CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE: One Voice Can Change the World
(CLICK HEADING FOR FULL ARTICLE.) Congratulations, Byron! Byron Encalade Byron Encalade is President of the Louisiana Oysterman Association. He engages in harvesting seafood, oysters and shrimp and in transporting seafood along the gulf coast states. He is currently serving as Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana Constable 3rd Ward, and as an American Legion Post 430 Judge Advocate. […]
Amid latest oil spill, Hilcorp Energy targeted by oyster growers
By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune Email the author | Follow on Twitter on July 29, 2016 at 10:51 AM, updated July 29, 2016 at 11:29 AM Even as Hilcorp Energy Co. works to clean up a spill of as much as 4,200 gallons of oil in the Plaquemines Parish marsh, the company is […]
Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe: American Indian tribe lives in peril near New Orleans
Watch Video: Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe American Indian tribe lives in peril near New Orleans The Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe needs federal recognition in order to protect the only land they called home. Their land, located 40 miles outside of New Orleans, has been rapidly eroding and they fear another hurricane like Katrina will destroy their homes […]
BP to pay $18.7 billion to federal government, 5 states to settle oil spill claims
By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune Email the author | Follow on Twitter on July 02, 2015 at 8:15 AM, updated July 02, 2015 at 1:55 PM BP has agreed to pay $18.7 billion to Louisiana, four other states, and the federal government to settle lawsuits filed in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon […]
BREAKING: Activists Occupy BP Headquarters Five Years After Gulf Oil Disaster
by Claire Sandberg Posted on Apr 15 2015 ***For Immediate Release*** Wednesday, April 15 2015 Interviews and high-resolution images available Contact: Laurel Sutherlin: 415.246.0161 laurel@ran.org Claire Sandberg: 646.641.6431 claire@ran.org Bryan Parras: 713.303.5811 lucas77@gmail.com BREAKING: Six Arrested at BP Headquarters 5 Years After Gulf Oil Disaster On eve of shareholder meeting, protesters stage sit-in to demand […]