Judge to hear arguments Thursday on fairness of oil spill settlement

  David Hammer / Eyewitness News Email: dhammer@wwltv.com | Twitter: @davidhammerWWL NEW ORLEANS -- A federal judge in New Orleans is holding a hearing Thursday to decide whether BP's settlement with thousands of oil spill claimants is fair. And billions of dollars are at stake – both for the claimants and their lawyers. A committee of plaintiffs’ lawyers say the [...]

Coalition criticizes BP settlement plan

22nd October 2012 By Zoe Sullivan Contributing Writer Go Fish represents fisher folk from across the Gulf Coast and has been advocating for a just settlement for the 2010 BP oil disaster. On October 15, the Go Fish Coalition released a critical analysis of the Seafood Compensation Program (SCP). The SCP outlines the settlement terms proposed earlier this year by [...]

Agency rejects appeal on Miss. gas and oil leasing

  •The Associated Press •Posted September 25, 2012 at 12:37 p.m., updated September 25, 2012 at 4:37 p.m. JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - The head of the Mississippi Development Authority has rejected an appeal by opponents who sought to block rules for offshore gas and oil exploration and leasing from taking effect. In a Friday letter to Sierra Club attorney Robert [...]
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