We represent a large number of first and second generation immigrant clients, many of them injured in an accident. I’ve noticed a disturbing practice by attorneys who represent insurance companies that are supposed to pay when someone gets hurt. As soon as they see a name or hear an accent that seems “different” they turn to intimidation tactics based on place of origin. They start to question citizenship status, place of birth, work visa status, length of time in the country, relatives in the country, anything and everything they can think of to bring “foreignness” into the spotlight. We would like everyone in the community to understand that these scare tactics are an insult and are wrong. Questions of birthplace, ethnicity, or immigration status are completely irrelevant when someone is injured because of another person or company’s fault. The laws of the United States and of Louisiana protect everyone who has been hurt by the fault of another.Our legal system does not condone such injustice. If someone hurts you or causes an accident, whether at work or in a car wreck or any other way, you have a right to recover for losses and pain related to that injury. Do not be bullied or intimidated into suffering injury and loss in silence.

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