Property owners represented by Waltzer Wiygul & Garside whose land was illegally used to create the Gentilly Landfill after Hurricane Katrina win another victory as the Louisiana Supreme Court DENIES the Defendants’ latest attempt to divide and conquer. The Supreme Court refused to overturn the decision by the Court of Appeals that the property owners have a right to unite and have their case heard as a class action.

In 2005 post Hurricane Katrina, the City of New Orleans and landfill operators dumped enormous mounds of hurricane debris onto private property that sits under the footprint of the Gentilly Landfill. To this day, Plaintiffs still own the land that the garbage companies destroyed to make millions of dollars for themselves. Plaintiffs demand just compensation for the damage and that the illegal profits be returned to the rightful owners.

The Supreme Court returned the case to Judge Michael Bagneris at Civil District Court in New Orleans for trial preparation. Waltzer Wiygul & Garside attorneys will now prepare the case for trial.

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